FemTech’s exponential growth during the pandemic is undeniable. Not only have the numbers of Start-Ups in the industry sky-rocketed, but researchers, clinicians and communities interested in the topic have as well! (About time!)

Unfortunately, because most of FemTech’s growth took place during COVID, most of us never got the chance to connect face to face and are therefore unaware of the industry leaders, investors, other start-upers or even doctors present within our vicinity willing and able to help.   

In person connections (especially in a burgeoning industry with so many different stake-holders) are vital. There are local FemTech clusters scattered across the globe – from Cambridge, UK to Cambridge, Masachussetts, Singapore – the list goes on. 

We could all benefit from connecting with our local FemTech community. And so, with the pandemic hopefully winding down, we would like to use the summit as a springboard to let people connect. 

With the global collection of speakers, researchers and chief clinicians speaking at the FemTechnology Summit we want to foster connections in the FemTech space – whether it’s between the next generation (students!) or established FemTech veterans, we could all benefit from getting to know each other more.

There will be an allotted mingling time online – as the panels themselves will be fully virtual. But for those of us who have the desire and can manage to make meeting in-person work, we wanted to organize in-person viewing parties so those in the femtech industry could gather to watch the panels in a common place and then mingle during the allotted mingling times.  

Essentially: come for the content  – stay for the connections!

We would suggest that every viewing party invite one (or several) local FemTech entrepreneurs to be ‘featured’ at their event as a nice way to showcase and support and even larger number of FemTech founders. The ‘featured’ startups at the local viewing parties would also be showcased on the Summit webpage and socials so they would have exposure to the wider Summit audience.   

We currently know of events being hosted in the UK, North Carolina and California – but the list is expanding. So if you are interested in attending an in-person event or hosting one or just finding out more about them in general — Get in Touch! 



Berlin FemTechnology Summit Viewing Party -- want to join too ? Fill Out The Form Below.
London FemTechnology Summit Viewing Party -- want to join too? Fill Out The Form Below.
Zurich FemTechnology Summit Viewing Party -- want to join too? Fill Out The Form Below.
Los Angeles FemTechnology Summit Viewing Party -- want to join too? Fill Out The Form Below.
Geneva FemTechnology Summit Viewing Party -- want to join too? Fill Out The Form Below.